Wednesday, March 24, 2010

As always, it's been a while. I have lost a total of 24 pounds. Still not as fast as I would like, but I know I'm going at the pace I should be. I find some days harder than others. And, the funny thing is, when I think I won't do good on the scale, I have lost more than I thought I would. I'm thinking of doing the wendy plan, but I'm a bit scared of it.
I hate to admit it, but the gal at work that I walk with, is trying to KILL me. I have to practically run to keep up with her, and her legs are shortere than mine, which isn't saying much since mine are about 26 inches or so, if even!
So, I will keep on trucking. Not sure I will lose the 30 by Easter that I was hoping for, but I only have 6 pounds to go so if I rev up my exercise and stay away from the damn sugar, I just might pull it off.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I guess it's more time consuming to blog than I though. But as of yesterday, I am down 16 pounds. Was bummed that I only lost 1 pound last week, but it was a very rough week for me. No excuses, it is what it is. Doing good so far this week though it's only day 2. haha Pants I have not been able to wear for over a year are loose on me. That's a good feeling. A friend at work said she can already tell the weight loss in my face. Oh, and my rings are looser too. It will take time and I just need to be patient. One day at a time.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Had my first weigh-in today. Down 5.5 pounds. I tried to squeeze 5.75, but it just wasn't happening. Oh well, I want to be true to myself.
Had a Dr. apt as well. I get to go have nerve conduction tests again. Yippee. They feel SO good, everyone should try it! But seriously, if they did that shit on rapists and child molesters, there would be ZERO of them around. I'm stressing it, and don't even have the appointment set up yet! lol Oh well.
Next week I will incorporate excersise and that will excellerate my weight loss. WOOHOO for me.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Second day of blogging. I did really good today. Waited too long for breakfast, so I was starving shortly after I ate. That's what I get for getting up at 6:30 and waiting till 11 to eat. But, we did go out to Taco Bell for lunch. That was a nice treat too. Dinner was AWESOME! Can't wait to weigh in tomorrow morning. Luckily, we have a scale at work that was calibrated, and hasn't moved since then. I hope they don't take that away from us, like they are taking other things. Dammit.
Time to blow dry the hair and play some WII!!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Well crap. I guess I only get to post one picture, so I am sticking with this one. It was after I had lost 80 pounds and felt pretty good. I'll get there again, I just have to be patient!
Well, here we are. 2010. I never thought I would be back to where I was in 1999, but I'm getting close and if I don't do something now, I never will.
Back in 1999 I decided to join WW. It was great. I lost 60 pounds in 8 months. I would have kept going, but for reasons I won't go into, I didn't.
Over the years, I lost another 20 and managed to maintain that, until I met my now husband. I have ballooned and am so upset with myself that I need to get serious again. 2010 has to be all about me. My oldest son is 19, my youngest is 14, and I need to still set better examples for them. Thank GOD my husband is supportive. I still won't explain things to him, as I tend to keep a lot of things bottled up, so it's hard for him to fully comprehend where I am coming from. But, like I said, he is supportive and that will help. He said he is proud of me today, for getting back on the WW program. I don't want him to be proud. Not yet. He can be excited, but not proud. That will come later.
Losing weight is the hardest thing next to quitting smoking I can think of. You don't need alcohol to live. You don't need drugs to live. You DO need food. I'm not saying alcoholics and drug addicts are better off than I am. No, not saying that at all. I'm saying in order to live, we need food. I just have to make better choices about the foods I put in my mouth. THAT is the hard part. It's not cakes, chips, candybars that is killing me. It's the SUGAR! I'm an addict. Or so I think. I can go without chocolate, and I think that's HUGE in most women's lives, but I like candy. The hard things that not only rot my teeth, but BREAK my teeth. lol
So for me, once again, I'm re-learning how to eat to provide fuel to my body, so that I can live to hold my great-grandbabies. Not just eat because I'm bored, upset, sad, depressed, happy, excited, or any other emotion I can come up with. I don't have a choice, I HAVE to do this.
Hopefully this blog will help inspire me. Once I can figure out how to post pictures, I will. It's disgusting, but I'll do it to help motivate me to be where I was 5 years ago, and go beyond. I have SO many cute clothes that are just in a tote in my closet taking up space. I want to get rid of my "Fat-Fat" clothes, and just get back to my "Fat" clothes, so I can move on to my think clothes! WOOHOO GO ME!